Welcome to Haultain Health
Treating Pain and Stress-related Conditions
At Haultain Health Centre our practitioners are adept at utilizing acupuncture and massage therapy to treat a wide variety of mental-emotional and physical ailments.
Whether you’re experiencing stress, chronic or acute pain, depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any of a wide range of other chronic or acute conditions, we will work with you to create a treatment plan that supports your individual needs.
To learn more about how acupuncture or massage therapy can help your condition, we welcome you to book a free consultation with one of our practitioners.
We now offer direct ICBC billing for acupuncture treatment. learn more >>
Discover Our Health Services
We will work with you to create a treatment plan that
supports your individual needs.

Acupuncture involves the precise insertion of extremely fine, single-use sterile needles into various points on the body in order to regulate the flow and function of qi, blood, and body fluids, thereby treating identified patterns of disharmony that are present in disease.
Patients typically find treatment painless, and often experience a sense of deep relaxation and well-being.
As a holistic modality, acupuncture is able to treat a wide range of ailments including all types of pain, psycho-emotional disorders such as stress, anxiety, and insomnia, digestive system dysfunction including IBS, and reproductive and menstrual irregularities.

Massage Therapy
Massage therapy involves the use of a wide range of manual therapeutic techniques by registered massage therapists to treat the soft tissues of the body, including the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia in order to improve health and well-being.
Massage therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for people experiencing chronic or acute pain, physical dysfunction, or reduced mobility. Additionally, massage therapy is known to relieve stress and tension and improve circulation.

Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy, or CST, is a gentle hands-on treatment modality that involves very soft touch to detect and release restrictions in the body’s craniosacral system, which is comprised of the cerebrospinal fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
By improving the function of the central nervous system, as well as the other major systems of the body (digestive, musculoskeletal, circulatory, and respiratory), CST has been shown to be effective in treating many conditions associated with physical pain and dysfunction, as well as depression,
anxiety, and Post Traumatic Stress.
A Team of Awesome People
Our Location
2541-B Empire St,
Victoria, BC
V8T 3M3
Phone: 250-384-8811
Begin Your Healing Journey: Start with Us Today
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards optimal health and wellness? At Haultain Health Centre, we offer a unique blend of acupuncture massage therapy and craniosacral therapy to address your individual needs. Take the first step today and experience the benefits of personalized care.